So I just saw Ninja Assassin with my dad and I could not be happier. For anyone who has been missing old style martial arts this movie is for you. What I was surprised about in this movie was the storyline. From the commercials one can gather that a ninja rebels against his clan because he will not kill a girl. Now me watching the commercials thought that the girl was the ninja's girlfriend or siomeone special to the ninja. This turns out to be false. There is much more going on in the ninja's head. It turns out that a girl he cared for while becoming a ninja was mercilessly killed because she tried to escape. It takes years for the ninja to say enough is enough. This is the setting for the story, much more happens but I will not ruin it for you.
Now back to the fights. The action is slick and clean. No movements in the fights are wasted. There is gratuitous amounts of gore and this movie is not for the squemish ,however; one can tell that the copiuos amounts of blood spewing across the screen are fake and added in digitally.
This movie is fun and exciting. It makes one wish that they could do all of the flips and moves done by the ninjas. I give it a five star rating.